
Monday, December 5, 2011

Sci-fi and fantasy adaptation

In general, do you like the adaptations of sci-fi or fantasy books into films? The question is simple
There are a lot of good films, based on books. When I ask to someone who readed the book of a film before watching the film, he/she tells me in most cases that the film is a disaster.
What do you think about this? Can be a film at the height of a book? (not just on complexity, because the imagination is unlimited, but the money is not)
Ex. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, I robot, etc.

What do you think about it?


  1. Theres too much diffference between a book and a move, how can you put all the book substories and adventures in a 2 hour movie? Obviously you have to cut them out.

  2. There is a difference between book and a movie but in my opinion reading a book is better because u're making the caracters the places u the images in your head instead someone "putting them on a plate" for u on the big screen...and for me it's always better the book than the movie because the movie never fulfilled my expectations ... :)u can never squeeze a book of 500 pages in a movie that lasts 1 and a half hour :D

  3. I think the book is always better, they'res just stories a book can tell that a movie can't capture...

  4. there have been some good book to movie adaptations, but sometimes a movie wont be able to convey for what people imagination can do, not in the sense of special effects but in how we each perceive the characters, personalities and even looks, there are of course reworks or reinterpretations, i did not read tolkiens lord of the rings, and some fans tell me it was a good adaptation and as always that alot of content was left out,s till on its own its a great film!, as for video games to movies, somehow they always change a lot of stuff or go in another way than the intended story :S

  5. The books are almost always better than the movie.

  6. There is nothing like read a good book, I think.

  7. I love good sci fi movies, I robot is my alltime favorite movie.

  8. nice post men we will help in anything you need =) i guest sometimes the books help a lot to create the movie and in ocations is more exiting thant the book.
